Foreign Worker Recruitment & Management Services

Labour Support Services

Other Supporting Services

Foreign Worker Recruitment & Management Services

Our 6 steps Recruitment & Management services include areas of pre-recruitment compliance in terms of documentation and attestation by relevant authorities. We will also assist in the recruitment process and interview of potential workers in accordance with your requirement.

We also provide post recruitment services such as managing the workers’ accommodation, transportation, renewal and extension of work permits, insurance coverage, return air tickets and other related payments on your behalf.

We liaise with our clients to understand their human resource needs such as the number of foreign workers required, job description, duration and its related welfare requirements. Working closely with our foreign counterparts, we will match the requirements of our clients with suitable foreign workers and prepare a proposal specifying the terms and conditions including fees structure.

As an obligatory requirement stated by the Malaysian government, Top Global will first try to source for local workforce. Job vacancies are posted on the JobsMalaysia portal in order to give priority to local job seekers. However, if the vacancies are not filled by the local labour market due to lack of interest, we will assist our clients with the procedures to obtain a written confirmation from the Department of Labour of Peninsular Malaysia. Thereafter, they can proceed to submit the application for recruitment quota to hire foreign workers.


Upon receiving the approval for the recruitment quota from the Ministry of Home Affairs, our clients shall pay the foreign worker levies within 30 days from the date of approval, failing which the said approval shall be forfeited.

I. Recruitment.

Our customers must first obtain an attestation letter from the source country’s embassy in Malaysia to confirm that they are allowed to recruit the citizen of the source country for employment in Malaysia. We will then assist our clients to recruit candidates that match the job requirements by engaging our foreign counterparts in the respective source countries. The foreign counterparts will proceed to submit the necessary documents to the labour department of the source country. Upon receiving approval to conduct the recruitment process, we will set a suitable date and venue to conduct interviews of candidates together with our foreign counterparts.


II. Candidates Documentation Process.

Selected candidates will proceed to have their bio-data processed, and undergo a mandatory bio-medical test and security clearance from the respective source country’s Immigration Security Clearance (ISC). Upon receiving the security clearance, we will assist our customers with the application of the Calling Visa for the foreign workers and purchase the insurance policy for the workers as required. Once Calling Visa is approved, the foreign workers will be issued with the Single Entry Visa by the Malaysian embassy in the respective source country to legally enter Malaysia. Together with our foreign counterparts we will then make the necessary travel and accommodation arrangements for the foreign workers to enter Malaysia. Our foreign counterparts will also provide the initial briefing and orientation to the foreign workers.

Medical Examination (FOMEMA). All foreign workers are obliged to go for medical examinations. Arrangements will be made to send all workers to a FOMEMA registered panel clinic within 30 days of their arrival to Malaysia. Once they are cleared/approved by FOMEMA we will then have their passports and insurance policies be submitted to the Immigration Department of Malaysia to obtain the work permit stickers and identification card (i-Kad). Foreign workers will proceed to start work at the designated place of employment. Briefings and training sessions will then be provided to familiarise these foreign workers on the job scope, rules/regulations and other requirements in line with the client’s requirement. In the event that any foreign worker’ health status is unsatisfactory, an appeal will be submitted to FOMEMA. However, if the appeal is rejected, arrangements will be made to send the foreign worker back to his/her home country.

Transportation. Arrangement will be made for transportation of the foreign workers to and from their respective workplace.

Renewal. We will assist our clients in monitoring the validity of the foreign workers’ work permits and insurance policies. Clients will be notified at least three months in advance prior to their expiry date. We will firstly assist clients by sending the workers for FOMEMA medical examination. Once cleared/passed by FOMEMA we will then assist in the application for renewal of the foreign workers’ work permits. In the event that any foreign worker fails to pass the FOMEMA medical examination, we will then arrange to send the foreign workers back to their source countries.

Labour Support Services

In line with the demand of the work force market, we are able to provide services with contracts of at least one year related to manufacturing, warehousing, cleaning and sanitation sectors, which will be carried out by the foreign workers employed by Top Global using our own recruitment quota.

We liaise with our customers to understand their requirements such as their projected plan, location, job scope, number of workers needed, timing of the required workers, working hours, working patterns and logistics. Our rates will commensurate on these requirements, which takes into account the number of foreign workers to be required and deployed.

Workers with the right skill set in accordance with requirements of the customer will be selected and deployed to the designated workplace. Briefing on safety, job scope and welfare of the workers will be conducted to the selected workers prior to deployment.


We will continue to engage and assist our customers should there be any additional manpower required. In the event of insufficient number of manpower, we will apply for additional recruitment quota of foreign workers to the relevant ministries and labour departments in Malaysia.

We will continue to monitor and engage with our customers in regards to the services provided by the foreign workers to ensure workers are in compliance with the requirements of the customer. As for manufacturing sector, we can appoint on-ground supervisors to ensure workers adhere to the safety requirements and rules and regulations in the workplace.

Workers’ attendance, overtime and other allowances will be collected and calculated and we will then issue invoices at the end of each month.

Other Supporting Services

We assist customers in registration of SOCSO and acquiring insurance coverage for foreign workers.

Social Security Organization

Effective 1 January 2020, it becomes mandatory under the Employees Social Security Act 1969 (Act 4) for employers to register all foreign workers under its management. This is a replacement to FWCS which provides compensation to any legally-employed foreign worker for injuries sustained or death due to an accident while at work.

Foreign Worker Hospitalisation Scheme (FWHS)

This yearly renewable hospital and surgical insurance scheme covers an employer’s expenses in the event a foreign worker is admitted or undergoes a surgery due to an accident or illness.

Foreign Worker Insurance Guarantee (FWIG)

FWIG is a guarantee required by the Malaysian Immigration Department from employers as a security deposit for the employment of foreign workers in Malaysia. This insurance covers the repatriation expenses if the foreign worker is required by the authorities to be sent back to his or her home country